Novità: RetroNews - emeroteca digitale dal 1668 ad oggi

Punti di interesse turistico della regione Lazio

TitoloThe Fountain by St. Lucy di Vico Church, Ronciglione
Indirizzo01037 Lazio Viterbo 10 Valle di Vico strada provinciale
Plus codes8FJJ852R+PQ
DescrizioneThe fountain is located near the old St. Lucy di Vico Church and it is a wall peperino fountain consisting of a semicircular apse supported by a baluster. It has a top front with a carved relief Farnese lily on it where water gushes out. Cardinal Odoardo Farnese’s coat of arms is on the left and Duke Ranuccio I’s one is on the right. These details confirm that the work dates back to the period between 1620, the year when Cardinal Odoardo started several works in the area especially at Capararola, and 1626, the year he died. From 1622 onwards he was the guardian and state administrator of Duke Odoardo I who was not yet an adult.@es

Fonte dei dati: Filas | Distretto Tecnologico della Cultura -
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